How to Make and Install a French Cleat

A French cleat is a piece of molding that can be used, separately or in pairs, to hold artwork, a cabinet, a mirror, or virtually anything. Learn how to make and install a French cleat in this video by Better Homes and Gardens:

1. Set table saw to a 45-degree angle.

2. Mark board at 3 inches wide.

3. Use a guide to keep your line straight. Cut along the length of the board.

4. Find studs on wall.

5. Use a level and attach the long cleat to wall studs with wood screws. The angled edge should be facing upward.

6. Attach smaller cleat with angled edge facing downward to the item you’re hanging using screws and wood glue.

7. Ensure the short and long cleats are properly aligned and hang item on wall.

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